AI Store

Explore a range of exclusive AI-related products from us — custom scripts, databases, and more.

Custom Scripts

Cool custom scripts to automate your AI workflow with style.

Multi-AI Google Sheets

$ 59
  • Use OpenAI, Claude, Gemini Pro, and GroqCloud APIs inside the same Google Sheets.

Google Sheets + OpenAI

$ 20
  • Bring the power of OpenAI API to your Google Sheets and generate any type of content content in bulk.

Google Sheets + Gemini

$ 17
  • Easily connect Google’s Gemini Pro API to your Google Sheets file and generate content.

QR Codes in Google Sheets

$ 10
  • Bulk generate QR codes in Google Sheets and upload them as images to Cloudinary.

Google Sheets + Claude

$ 17
  • Easily connect Anthropic’s Claude API to your Google Sheets document.

Alt Texts in Google Sheets

$ 12
  • Bulk generate alt texts for images in Google Sheets by using AI model LLaVA 13B.


A list or collection of useful AI related resources.

3,600+ AI Tools

  • A list of 3,600+ AI tools from 160+ categories with their site and social media URLs.

AI Directories

$ 10
  • A list of 170+ AI directories to launch your AI-related products.