How to write better ChatGPT prompts

Writing better prompts for ChatGPT can greatly improve the quality and relevance of responses you receive from the AI. In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of crafting better prompts, the limitations of ChatGPT, and a comprehensive guide to creating the perfect prompt.

Armed with this knowledge, you’ll be better equipped to interact with ChatGPT and get the information or assistance you need.

Why it is necessary to write better prompts

Crafting well-structured, refined prompts is essential to maximize the benefits of using ChatGPT. Writing better prompts ensures that your requests are clear and concise, allowing the AI to understand them more accurately and provide you with high-quality responses. And not just that, but they may also help you reduce API costs.

Here are some of the key reasons why it’s necessary to write better prompts:

1. Enhance response quality

A well-written prompt provides a stronger foundation for the AI to generate a response that meets your requirements. The clearer the prompt, the more accurate, applicable, and precise the response will be.

2. Save time and effort

A poorly written prompt can result in inadequate or irrelevant responses, leading to wasted time and energy. Writing better prompts reduces the need for multiple iterations and helps you get the desired information effectively, saving you time and effort.

3. Improve introspection

Improving the quality of your prompts can help you gain a deeper understanding of your questions and what you’re trying to achieve. As you refine your prompts, you become better equipped to analyse the responses and make well-informed decisions.

4. Minimize misunderstandings

A clear, well-structured prompt minimizes the chances of ChatGPT misinterpreting your request and offering an off-topic or irrelevant response. Misunderstandings can lead to frustration and reduce the effectiveness of AI communication.

5. Encourage meaningful interaction

Writing better prompts can lead to more engaging and meaningful interactions with ChatGPT, allowing you to utilize the AI’s capabilities to the fullest extent. By providing clear instructions and setting appropriate expectations, you can ensure your communication is fruitful and informative.

Writer Better ChatGPT Prompts

Understanding the limitations of ChatGPT

Before diving into crafting better prompts, it’s important to understand the limitations of ChatGPT. As an AI model, ChatGPT has its share of limitations, such as:

  1. Context understanding: While it can comprehend context to an extent, it may not fully grasp complex or ambiguous prompts, resulting in less accurate responses.
  2. Memory: The AI has a context window limit, which means it may lose track of important information if a conversation is too long or too detailed.
  3. Over-optimizing: ChatGPT might provide answers that sound plausible but are factually incorrect, prioritizing fluent language over accuracy.
  4. Bias: The AI may unintentionally exhibit biased behaviour in its responses as it learns from a variety of internet sources, which could contain biased information.

Understanding these limitations allows you to craft prompts that address these challenges and improve the quality of responses.

How to create the perfect ChatGPT prompt

To create the perfect prompt, consider the following best practices:

1. Use reverse prompt engineering for desired outcomes

Reverse prompt engineering involves starting with the desired outcome and working backwards to create a prompt that will lead to that outcome. By focusing on the result, you can better tailor the prompt to achieve the desired response.


  • Desired response: A list of effective ways to save money monthly.
  • Prompt: “Provide a list of the top 5 effective ways to save money every month.”

2. Identify your prompt’s task and purpose

Be clear about the purpose of your prompt and what you want to accomplish. The task should be easy to understand and have a clear goal.


  • Task: “Get some tips for managing stress effectively.”
  • Prompt: “Share some practical techniques to cope with stress in daily life.”

3. Be specific in your writing to improve clarity

Providing specific information and context helps the AI better understand the prompt and generate a more accurate response.


  • Vague: “Tell me about the benefits of exercise.”
  • Specific: “Explain the physical and mental health benefits of daily cardiovascular exercise.”

4. Opt for clear language over complexity

Avoid using overly complex language or jargon. Simple, clear language ensures that the AI can better understand your prompt and respond accordingly.


  • Unclear: “Can you delineate the modus operandi of proof-of-stake blockchain technology?”
  • Clear: “Explain how proof-of-stake works in blockchain technology.”

5. Incorporate context to enhance understanding

Include relevant context to help the AI better understand the prompt and respond accurately.


  • Without context: “Write a summary of ‘The Road Not Taken’ poem?”
  • With context: “Write a 100-word summary of the poem titled ‘The Road Not Taken’, written by Robert Frost.”

6. Take the length of your prompt into account

Long prompts may cause the AI to lose track of important information due to its limited context window. Keep your prompts concise yet meaningful.


  • Lengthy: “There’s a book exploring the life and experiences of a young girl during World War II, written from her perspective when hiding in a building with her family to escape persecution, and the girl often talks about the others living with her in the hideout. What’s the title of this book?”
  • Concise: “What’s the title of the book about a girl hiding with her family during World War II, written from her perspective?”

7. Test various prompt iterations extensively

Trying different variations of your prompt can help you find the best way to communicate your request and obtain the desired response.

Experimentation and iteration are key.

8. Speak to the AI as if it were a person

Using a conversational tone instead of overly formal language can make it easier for the AI to understand and respond to your prompt.


  • Formal: “Kindly elucidate upon the significance of aerobic respiration in the human body.”
  • Conversational: “Could you please explain the importance of aerobic respiration in our bodies?”

9. Set the scene by providing ample context

Clearly define the situation or scenario to ensure the AI has enough context to provide a relevant response.


  • No context: “Suggest some long novels.”
  • Context: “I’m going on a 10-day vacation with limited internet access. Please recommend some long novels I can read during that time.”

10. Instruct the AI to assume a specific role

Instructing the AI to assume a particular identity or profession can help get more accurate or specialized information.


  • Without identity: “What are some healthy breakfast options?”
  • With identity: “As a nutritionist, what are some healthy breakfast options you recommend?”

11. Begin with an action word for clarity

Beginning your prompt with a verb can make the intended action clearer and easier to understand.


  • Without action word: “What are the consequences of deforestation?”
  • With action word: “List the consequences of deforestation.”

12. Incorporate role play for an interactive conversation

Engage the AI in a role-playing scenario to create a more interactive and immersive experience, which can lead to more engaging responses.


  • Basic: “Tell me about renewable energy sources.”
  • Role play: “Imagine you’re a renewable energy expert explaining various renewable energy sources to a high school student. What information would you share?”

13. Draw from relevant references for specificity

Mention relevant references to specify the topic or information you’re seeking.


  • Without references: “Explain Einstein’s most significant contribution to science.”
  • With references: “Explain Einstein’s theory of relativity and its impact on modern physics.”

14. Utilize quotes effectively to guide the AI

Using quotes can help the AI to better identify quoted text or instructions.


  • Without: “Include a quote by Albert Einstein about imagination.”
  • With: “Include a quote by Albert Einstein about ‘imagination.’”

15. Offer examples to illustrate your point

Provide examples when explaining concepts or when seeking additional ideas related to your prompt.


  • Without example: “What are some types of unconventional pizza toppings?”
  • With example: “Aside from the usual toppings like pepperoni or mushrooms, what are some unusual or unique pizza toppings? For example, like pineapple or mac and cheese.”

16. Indicate the desired response length

Defining the expected length of the response can aid in receiving more suitable answers.


  • Without: “Summarize the plot of ‘Moby Dick.’”
  • With: “Provide a 3-sentence summary of the plot of ‘Moby Dick.’”

17. Guide the AI step-by-step when necessary

Guide the AI through your request step by step, particularly in complex or challenging prompts.


  • Without handholding: “Create a SWOT analysis for a new pizza restaurant.”
  • With handholding: “First, list three strengths of a new pizza restaurant. Then, identify three possible weaknesses. Next, mention three opportunities they might have. Finally, discuss three potential threats.”

18. Refine the prompt iteratively for better results

When crafting prompts for ChatGPT, it’s crucial not to hesitate when it comes to refining your requests. As you experiment with various versions of your prompt, you improve your approach, making your communication with AI more precise and fruitful in the long run.

Taking the time to rework and fine-tune your prompts based on the AI’s initial responses enables you to gain insights into the limitations and capabilities of ChatGPT. This process will equip you with the knowledge to exploit the AI’s full potential for future queries and discussions.

Remember, refining your prompts is an essential part of the AI conversation process and plays a significant role in obtaining the most accurate, relevant, and valuable responses.

19. Establish the tone in your prompt

Indicate the desired tone of the response, such as professional, casual, or humorous.


  • Without tone: “Explain how solar panels work.”
  • With tone: “Explain how solar panels work, in simple and casual terms for non-experts.”

Also check:

By following these best practices when crafting prompts for ChatGPT, you will improve the quality and relevance of AI-generated responses.


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