AI Calculators

Explore a range of exclusive AI-related calculators for estimating different API prices.

API Calculators

AI-related calculators for estimating different API prices.

OpenAI GPT Calculator

Quickly estimate how much it will cost to use the OpenAI API for different language models.

Gemini Pro Calculator

Calculate the pricing of using Google’s Gemini Pro API for generating a certain number of words.

Anthropic Claude Calculator

Calculate the pricing of using the Anthropic’s Claude API for generating a certain number of words.

Cohere Pricing Calculator

Cohere is another AI language model on the market, and here is a tool to quickly estimate their pricing.

OpenAI DALL-E Calculator

Calculate how much it will cost to generate a certain number of images by using OpenAI’s DALL-E image model.

OpenAI Embeddings Calculator

Finding it difficult to estimate the pricing? Use this free tool to easily calculate the cost of using OpenAI embedding models.

OpenAI Whisper Calculator

Estimate the pricing of using OpenAI’s Whisper audio model for transcribing certain minutes of audio.