OpenAI embedding pricing calculator

The OpenAI embedding pricing calculator is a seamless way to estimate the cost of leveraging tokens for embedding features in your applications.

Price to use 1000 tokens: $0.0001

How does this embedding tokens calculator work?

Using the calculator is a straightforward process. Simply enter the desired number of tokens needed for your project, and the calculator will instantly provide an estimate of the cost based on OpenAI’s pricing tiers. And yes, you can also select the embedding model of your preference.

If you’re interested, you can learn more about embeddings on their official website.

The calculator eliminates the guesswork and confusion around pricing by presenting a clear and concise calculation of costs, ensuring informed decisions and better overall planning for embedding integration in any project.

📣 This tool is independently developed and not affiliated with, endorsed, or authorized by OpenAI.

Google Sheets + OpenAI API (Script)

A script to connect Google Sheets with the OpenAI API without third-party tools like Zapier or Make. This “script” allows instant access to responses from GPT-4, GPT-3.5, and DALL-E 3 inside the spreadsheet itself.

  • Generates text as well as images
  • No 3rd party tools required
  • No subscription required, and
  • Works with a free Gmail account as well

🎉 starts at $20 (one time)